REVIEW: Nikon MB-D200 Multi Power Battery Pack
A must have!
The Nikon MB-D200 Multi-Battery Pack is an accessory grip and battery pack that is attached under the Nikon D200. It allows the use of one or two rechargeable EN-EL3e batteries, or six disposable AA batteries. It is equipped with a second shutter release button, Auto Focus On button, and main and sub command dials for easier shooting in a vertical position.
The EN-EL3e is the standard rechargeable battery for use in the D200. The camera alone can hold one of these, which I find is generally good for approximately 400-500 exposures, depending on internal flash and screen usage. The MB-D200 allows you to double this by accepting two batteries. The camera shows each battery level independently through a menu on the rear screen, and will discharge one battery, before starting to use the other one. This allows you to nicely monitor your charge levels, and swap out only the depleted battery with a fresh one, thus never running dry during typical shooting. I usually travel with four batteries, which are more than ample for up to two days of shooting, but I still recharge and swap around batteries every night.
I haven’t used it, but the ability to use AA’s in a real pinch is a nice idea. If recharging batteries was not possible, AA’s are available virtually anywhere, and would keep you going in an emergency. Or you could pack a supply of AA’s, if you knew that recharging wasn’t an option. It’s cheaper than buying a couple of week’s worth of EN-EL3e’s.
By itself, the D200 is not a large camera. For many this is a plus, as it allows a smaller, lighter camera versus the full-sized D2X. But some, myself included, prefer a larger gripping area, and the balance of a taller pro sized body. I find the D200 with the MB-D200 attached to be very comfortable in the hands. The feel and balance are excellent. With two batteries, the D200 with the MB-D200 is actually taller and heavier than the D2X.
Having moved from the D2H and F5, I had become very accustomed to secondary controls for vertical shooting. The MB-D200 adds this feature, which I am not prepared to live without.
If you’re shooting with the Nikon D200, this is a must have accessory. You can always remove it if you want to travel light, but it has never been off my camera, and I can’t foresee it happening!
RATING SCALE A must have!
Don't bother
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